Hi, I am Alessandro Farè

computer science student 

computer science student

What I do

Sw Developer

Identification of needs, planning, writing and managing software, performing testing and designing.
I planned and wrote Java, C, Python, Assembly projects.

Web Developer

Front-end web developer through the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
I love create graphical user interfaces so that users can view and interact with that.

Graphic Design

After developing my projects I present them with minimal images through graphic design platforms. I like create visual composition with photography and illustration.

My Work

Who I am

Designer & Developer based out of Milan

I am a computer science student and I'm born and grew up in Milan. Currently studying at UNIMI.
My passion for computer science focuses on identifying a problem and coming up with a technological solution to address it and make it as handsome as possible with minimal design.

I like Java, Python, C, JavaScript, Kotlin, logical circuits, algorithms.
As in life I love travelling, meeting new people and cultures, hiking, climbing and doing sports outside.

My work

A selection of my range of work